Since I last posted, our family was interviewed and photographed for an article in our local paper. I was not entirely thrilled with it, although it was generally favourable towards unschooling. They left out all the most interesting and relevant stuff I told the reporter!
In the last couple of weeks we have also cheered Nathan on at his end-of-season soccer tournament in the pouring rain, celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary, and attended our local homeschool group's Not Back to School picnic.
The most exciting thing we've done lately is visit our unschooling friends at their farm in Upstate New York. We all had a blast - that includes the dog who seemed totally in his element as a "farm dog" despite his entirely urban existence. We made butter and mozzarella cheese with fresh-from-the-cow milk, and Nathan learned how to pick up a chicken and groom a donkey.
During this flurry of activity, I have tried to stay on top of the fall garden, whipping up several batches of tomato sauce and wondering what the heck I am going to do with several dozen jalepeno and banana peppers (the only crops in my garden that seems to have really thrived during this cold, wet summer). Suggestions, anyone?

Life is so full and so good here and there seems to be a perpetually long list of upcoming events on our calendar!!
Can you pickle the peppers? I'm not kidding. Jalapeno jelly is good too.
I wonder if hot peppers would work as ice cubes? I mean, puree them, freeze them in a tray and then keep the cubes in a freezer bag. To use them just put a pepper cube into anything you want to add heat to through the winter? Might work...
And, on a totally unrelated note, so many many MANY thanks for the bib, cloths and soap. Did you make them? (not the soap, of course!). Those cloths are my absolute favourite washclothes for bathing Augie (and for my own face).
Your time on the farm sounds amazing. And I'm jealous of your garden! Not enough sun in my postage stamp to do much, and NL growing season is short in the best of years (which this year wasn't!)
Thanks for all the pepper suggestions! I have a bunch stashed in the freezer already, there are a ton more in the garden. I may try my hand at replicating those jalapeno pepper popper appetizery things :)
Yes, I did make the bib and washclothes - glad you like them. They seem to be a favourite with a lot of people because of the texture!
Happy Birthday to Nathan :)
hugs, Cid
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